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In February 2022, Ward Laboratories, Inc. introduced a new tool to measure soil health. The Soil Health Assessment (SHA) is made up of four analyses. There are two biological, one chemical and one physical measurement to evaluate soil health. Biological The first biological test is the 24-hour CO2 soil respiration measurement. We take 40 grams...Read More
Winter Fertilizer Application During my winter travels with Ward Laboratories, I frequently observe dry fertilizer application on frozen ground. This is generally an ill-advised practice. In Nebraska, the “Bomb Cyclone” event of March 2019 is a well-documented example of why we advise to avoid amendment application on frozen or snow-covered ground. In this event, large...Read More
Ward Laboratories has been performing stalk nitrate testing since 1990. This test can be utilized to evaluate the efficiency of your in-season nitrogen program for corn and sorghum. A stalk nitrate analysis is to be used only for agronomic management. When evaluating nitrogen use efficiency, we specifically check a lower portion of the stalk for...Read More
In Early September, I wrote a blog post entitled The Downside of Baled Crop Residue. My previous post focused on cornstalks. After harvest, as I traveled across the state, I have observed we have more harvested crop residue to consider. Baling soybean and wheat residues are poor economic decisions and negatively impact soil health of...Read More
For many years I have seen producers bale their crop residue, specifically cornstalks and soybean stubble, after harvest. This practice has been driven somewhat by feedlot demand after the advent of distillers co-products from ethanol plants in the early 2000’s. Distillers co-products are high in protein and energy for livestock. Therefore, there is a demand...Read More
Guest Author: Terry Buettner, Support AgronomistThe ‘Bomb Cyclone’ that hit the Midwest on March 13th has created a huge problem for many Midwest producers. Heavy rains on frozen fields created runoff of an impressive magnitude resulting in flood damaged fields. The damaging effects of flood water on agriculture are extensive. Crop residue was washed from...Read More